Monday 17 January 2011

Future of child born in the year of 2050

      How will a child feel when he opens his eyes in the year of 2050? I think life will be very different then.
      In my view people will be living longer in the year 2050. Also, I think scientists and doctors will have found cures for now deadly diseases in forty years time. But who knows? Maybe in our future other dangerous illnesses will be spreading. 
      As for food, my opinion is that it will be the same as it is now because I think people enjoy food and its taste and won't change that for any other meal pills. 
      It seems to me that transport will have extremely changed by the year of 2050. I believe scientists will have invented flying cars and environmentally-friendly electric or solar-powered cars. However, maybe in year of 2050 flying cars won't exist and people will drive gas powered cars. As the oil is so hard to find nowadays and it is expensive, it is possible that black gold will have be hard to find and will be more expensive than today. Because of that, people won't have money for personal means of transportation and will be forced to walk to places they want to go and in my opinion it is hard for some people (old people and sick ones). 
      In my view, our planet will become hard to live on. Global warming will still be progressing by the year of 2050 and pollution levels will have increased because of big number of factories and dump sites.
     Education will have changed a lot since technology will advance. I believe that in 2050 will be so much more explored fields of science, geography, maybe history and lots of new information and data children will have to learn in school. The bad side of improved  education is that children won't be going to school since scientists will have invented robot teachers. In my view that is bad thing because children won't socialize with other kids or they will but trough internet and computers.
      I think that normal cities will become too crowded moreover people will be living in unusual places like under the sea or underground. 
     I believe that people in 2050 will be going on exciting and today unbelievable holidays. Some people will go to Mars or to the center of the Earth.
    In conclusion, whatever the future brings, I believe that children's lives will certainly be very different in the year 2050.


Friday 7 January 2011


Yeah, fog. You had never taught of it? Yes, me neither. But my good friend gave me this suggestion, so, me being as good buddy as her, I'm going to blog about fog.
The first thing I think when I hear word 'fog' I think of a cigarettes because they are producing big amount of smoke which recalls me of fog.
Fog is, in scientific terms, a collection of water droplets or ice crystals suspended in the air at or near the Earth's surface. It seems to me that fog appears when humidity is high and after rain, snow or icing (lots of water).
On the other hand, in artistic way, it is strange but very interesting phenomenon that represents sadness or some bad feelings.
When I see fog, I'm sad. And is there any other word for fog because I'm using this one too much. However, I am bored when it is foggy outside. Especially when I have some kind of a meetings, than I really don't feel like I am able to socialize moreover I'm bad company.
Some people believe that for every part of nature exists different god. The 'g' isn't capital because it's note specific meaning of real creature that on some way rules the world. Since there's a god for each part of our world than I believe there's a god for fog. I'll call it Fod. (Fo from fog and d from god). In my opinion Fod is sad being and its duty is to express sadness of others who are in pain. Just my thoughts.
Did I mentioned that fog is often gray. Hm, often is bad word. Almost always is gray. That is better I think. But maybe we don't see it in right way because we think it's uninteresting. But maybe we should look fog in way to see it in real. Maybe, just maybe, it's colorful like rainbow if we don't see what we want but what it really is.
Think about it! It is possible that fog represents happiness, joy, goodness, great state of minds, good moods etc.
So if anyone actually reads this I expect some kind of answer, and my question is what do you think of fog?

Global recession

Yeah, global economy crisis. It's trending topic these days, worldwide.
There are some countries that escaped from this disaster but the number is small. And no one have taught the way of solving this worldwide problem. In my opinion it is because some ruling countries don't want that moreover it corresponds to their plans that is their future.
In 2010. a movie came out about  recession and it is almost the true story. Crisis started when greedy and glutton people falsely raised values of their stocks for easily-fooled dealers and brokers to invest their money. You know the rest of the story, I think.
So the most common question is how to get out of this mess?
My thoughts were cutting down richmen's salary and give jobs to people in need. But it isn't as easy as it sounds. Rich are greedy and not very generous. However there must be bigger picture. I read somewhere that some big powerful country must 'stand up' and get everyone out of financial problems. Actually I read that the big countries are Russia or China. Yes, and Japan also!

*to be continued


First posts are always boring and unreasonable. This is just preface to my blogs.
For introduction, my blogs are going to be my opinions about different themes . However I won't give professional  thinking because I am not professional, I don't have career or college diploma because I'm too young for that. On the other hand people have told me that I am thinking like a mature person. In my opinion I just need to learn English whole lot more for blogging but I'll learn it this way.
Please ask me questions and share your thoughts about my blog.